Make XFCE application menu appear when using Windows key

To make the XFCE application menu pop up when you hit the Windows key add the following application via the keyboard shortcuts and press the Windows key when prompted. xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu It doesn’t work exactly the same as windows since hitting the key twice does not make the menu disappear. UPDATE : On 14.04 this appears …

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Seeing what files a debian package contains and what files it will install

I have just needed to install a dev package on my Xubuntu system and wanted to see what and where the package would install the files to. It seems that there is an apt-file command which is not installed by default. So I installed it… apt-get install apt-file and then followed by apt-file update In …

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Xubuntu 12.10 laptop reinstallation

So today I landed up reinstalling my Xubuntu 12.10 system on my laptop. So that I can remember all the packages and settings I have listed them here. apt-get install gnome-terminal apt-get install build-essential apt-get install nasm apt-get install vim apt-get install nmap tcptraceroute apt-get install ncurses-term apt-get install radiotray apt-get install tasksel tasksel install …

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